I’m sure Sofia will be totally embarrassed by this picture later on, but I could not help posting here cause it’s so adorable. This is baby Sofia trying on one of her boots right before she had her bath, which btw she loves!
Category: iPhone Posts
iPhone Posts
Sofia’s first Christmas
Christmas is finally here!
We are so excited and thankful to be able to spend it with Sofia. This morning she woke up at 6 am and would not go back to sleep, almost like she knew it’s Christmas morning and we are supposed to open presents
Here is my baby in her Christmas outfit, waiting to be fed. I will try and also post pictures with her in her church Christmas outfit soon.
Getting ready for church
Sofia is 8 weeks old
Today Sofia turned 8 weeks old.
To celebrate, mommy dressed her in a new cool outfit that daddy thinks looks Japanese, and spent the whole day downstairs hanging out by the Christmas tree.
Mommy baked scones while Sofia was napping, and once she woke up she spent some time smilling at mommy (a new found skill).
Then daddy came home and Sofia got to hang out with him for a while.
We ended the day by gulping down a yummy bottle of milk and mommy putting the baby to sleep on her own (we’re trying to teach Sofia to fall asleep on her own now that she’s 8 weeks old)!
Sofia’s first pair of shoes
Baby Gear Review: Fisher-Price Baby Papasan™
We decided to start another ‘blog section’ – this one will be dedicated to the various gear that we buy, receive, break, give away and otherwise use for or with Sofia Gale, our beautiful baby girl. Hopefully someone out there will find some value in this.
This a Fisher-Price vibrating and music playing chair which was gifted to us. Officially it is called the Fisher-Price Baby Papasan™ Infant Seat. Papasan? Seriously now! It retails for around $60.00, but I am sure you can find it for cheaper, let’s say on Craig’s List or eBay. Keep in mind that this might not be a bad item to add to your baby shower gift list :), as we did.
We use the buzzing feature very often, as it calms baby Sofia down when she is fussy or has colic pains. However we almost never use the music playing features. It is worth mentioning that this chair can do both at the same time, vibrate and play music. The vibration stops after a certain amount of time, I believe it is roughly 15 minutes or so. I wouldn’t be surprised if the music playing does the same but we have not tested that yet. It also comes with a hanging arm ‘extension’ which has a spherical mirror built in and dangles a cute little soft colorful toy. It has a harness built in to secure the baby, something that might come in useful when Sofia is older, but for now we find ourselves needing to come up with creative ways to tuck it in the chair’s seams, as it can not be physically removed from the chair.
Pros: Well designed compact and durable; Battery power usage has far exceeded our expectations; Light, easy to carry and take on trips short or long;
Cons: Works only on batteries and can not be plugged in for power or to recharge batteries; Incline angle can not be adjusted; Safety harness can not be removed; The chair cloth sinks in a little to deep and causes a very young baby’s back to have less then ideal posture;
All in all, this is a good gift/purchase, and something we use very often. Mommy and Daddy Gale both recommend this product for anyone who is in the market for a vibrating baby chair.
At home with Sofia
Today daddy is feeling a little bit under the weather. He had a very very rough week at work and decided to stay home to hopefully not catch any other ‘bugs’. Lots of bugs are going around the office and it is very important that Sofia (Mommy an Daddy too) stay healthy. This weekend is a very big and important weekend for Sofia Gale. More details on that soon!
Sofia’s cute and fluffy cheeks
Here we have another post in the series that was unoficially started a little bit ago with Sofia’s cute little hand and finger. This time, the focus is on Sofia’s cute, fluffy and adorable cheeks. Daddy decided to snap a picture for the world to see. Rest assured, no one got hurt when this picture was taken, not even one tiny little bit!
Grandpa Gale does it (smiles) again
And because the world needs to know about one of Sofia’s favourite Grandpas, and because it is amazing to see the smile that Grandpa Gale has on his face when he holds baby Sofia, or simply when baby Sofia is around – let us introduce to the world wide web – Grandpa Nic Gale.
There are allot more pictures with him and everyone else at www.Phlojo.com -so head on over there when you get a chance. Before you go however, bookmark Sofia’s blog so you can come here often :).
Sofia with Grandma Gale
Just a few days ago Sofia spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa Gale. Sofia and Grandma Gale get along very well, and love eachother very much. Sofia really feels at home when she is with Grandma Gale – which makes mommy and daddy very very happy. I am sure Sofia is looking forward to staying at by her grandparents’ again :).