Picture of the day – Nov 6 Sofia looooves to take baths. So mommy finally gave in and took some ‘naked baby time’ pictures. Enjoy!
Picture of the day – Nov 4 This is how Sofia falls asleep lately, all by herself …. Well, if you don’t count Elmo
Picture of the day – Nov 1 Sofia is ready to go to church. And she’s wearing her warm winter dress she got from tusi roxy’s friend, Jenny.
Picture of the day – October 31 Sofia going for a walk with grandpa Ungur. Grandma made sure she’s all bundled up so she won’t catch a cold
Picture of the day – October 29 Sofia trying on mama’s apron. But she’s still a few years away from being able to utilize it
Picture of the day – october 19 Sofia being grouchy on a Monday morning … But then again, who likes Monday mornings?