Sofia and tusi Roxy at church.
Category: iPhone Posts
iPhone Posts
Picture of the day – october 15th
Pic of the day – october 10th
Pic of the day – october 9th
Pic of the day – october 8th
Pic of the day – october 7th
Pic of the day
Pic of the day
Sofia is 11 months old!
Yesterday was Sofias’ 11 months birthday – if such a thing exists
While we did not do anything extra special, Sofia did manage two major accomplishments: she finally learned how to climb out of bed – feet first :). Mommy’s been trainig her for the last few months. It finally caught on.
And the second accomplishment, she learned how to imitate a cow so when I ask her “Sofia, cum face vaca? She responds: mooooooo!”
Oh, the joys of watching your baby grow ……